The industrial animal factories are an intricate
business, which supplies large quantity of meat to the consumers on cheap
prices. But what this cheap meat actually cost us? is the big question. There
are several kinds of things blended in the 'meat' which we take in without
knowing or caring about the contents. Those things are dangerous chemicals
such as: arsenic, ammonia, mercury, pehsticides, and
synthetic hormones, antibiotics that may cause drug-resistant
infections and many more health problems, which also means many more medical
The way the
food industry processes, food is inhumane and improper. Animals like cows and
pigs are killed and left bleeding profusely without any concern and care.
Industrial Animal Factories confine animals under unnatural conditions, which
not only are hurtful but also do a great harm to the consumers, the society and
the environment. On the contrary, animal husbandry raises animals under natural
conditions and gives proper care to animals. In reality, the animals raised as
cattle by our meat industry lead a miserable and emotionally disturbing
existence. They are forced to live in such conditions and are tortured to
all my perspective on this subject matter made me question about the food I
consume and its contents which are mostly obscure. The question is that
"Can we trust the food in America by the food industry" where public
has no right to access information about the food they are consuming. This system
totally lacks transparency; no third party can inspect what’s going on in the
CAFOs. People are kept unaware of the
fact about what they are eating.
Also these industries produce a lot of
waste which are dumped in lagoons that eventually contaminate the environment. CAFOs
generates several different types of gases such as, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide,
methane, and other toxic gases which are danger to human health and also a
great hazard to Mother Nature. These
animal industries are one of the biggest reasons of global warming. We need a system
which is safe and healthy, not a system which causes disastrous effects for our
present and future generation.
In such businesses, government has no control over
them. Many owners of the corporate businesses have the political powers with
the help of which they run the CAFO systems. Many of such owners are not
answerable to the society for any harm or spoiled conditions. Even though the consumption
of such food is high, the society takes no action against them. The high demand
for cheap meat products gives these animal industries the power to control the
people. Because no matter what they produce and how they produce, it’s in
demand and not many people are aware and concerned about the food they consume.
In conclusion,
over this semester, I have acknowledged a lot about the food systems, their
terms and what goes in there. The society needs a change in the food system
than being affected badly by it. Big change is needed in our eating habits to
create a healthy tomorrow. CAFO system if weakening our ecosystem, our healths
and our morals. Before CAFOs ruins our whole lifespan we have to put an end to
this system. This is only possible if we go green, and adopt organic food
culture in our life time or substitute animal industries with animal
husbandries like happy old times. I’ve spread the word. Now it’s your turn to
take a step forward and support the cause.
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