Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Tragedy of Industrial Animal Factories

In this blog I will discuss the tragedy of industrial animal factories, with reference to “The CAFO reader, by Daniel Imhoff”.

      I feel pity for those billions of animals, who had been tortured and concerned for those animals that are being tortured every minute of their lives, in these concentrated animal feeding operations known as CAFOs. According to statistics in the United States alone, nearly 10 billion domesticated livestock—mostly pigs, chicken, cows are raised and slaughtered annually. Even more alarming is that animal food production is expanding rapidly across the globe at a staggering pace. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization predicts that global consumption of both meat and dairy products will be double by 2050. Industrial animal factories isn’t just killing animals but keeping them away from their natural surroundings and needs. It shows a complete denial of the animal as a living being. Large number of animals are put into a confined place, with unhealthy and unnatural conditions, not even a window is provided for fresh air to breathe in. CAFO system is a inhumane way of dealing with these animals, animals are confined to such places that they can’t even turn around or move freely.  They are constantly showered, fed and injected with antibiotics, pesticides and artificial hormones to stave off diseases and boost feed harvests and promote weight gain. They have to live in filthy conditions surrounded by their own excrements, which is not only harmful for their health but also makes them unsafe for human consumptions.

     Imhoff in his book states that "corporate agribusinesses that have revved the economic engines of the global animal factories have reduced living creatures to mere production units of milk, eggs, and meat". we as humans should feel responsibility to provide them better hygienic atmosphere, and allow them to live freely in their natural surroundings as long as they are alive( not slaughtered ), which will also help them staying disease free, healthy and keeping them away from this filthy CAFO environment where they are only regarded for their monetary value.
  As a human being i would like to see animals being treated more humanely.

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